From a humble house church of fewer than twenty people meeting on Sundays to now a growing church of almost 300 people gathering in four services (three services on Sundays and one service on Wednesday). Every Nation Macau just celebrated its 6th year anniversary last month. It was a time of celebration, a time of honoring, and a time of remembering God’s faithfulness to our church.te it, then start writing!

Pastor Jonathan Bocobo, Every Nation International Church Planting Director, preached about the importance of shared lives. Reminding the role of the church to bring everybody into God’s family. He also preached how to love earnestly, care cheerfully, and serve voluntarily. Setting an example as followers of Jesus to love one another.

As we continue to do our part in honoring God and making disciples, we will always be thrilled with what God will do in the coming years here in Macau and beyond!